Common Winter Plumbing Issues

Winter is hard on plumbing. As the temperatures drop, the potential for damage to your pipes and plumbing system increases. Whether you’re new to homeownership or new to Washington, it’s good to know what to expect during the winter months as the temperatures trend downward so you can protect your Lynnwood, WA, home. Dealing with your plumbing in winter is a lot easier if you know what to look for. Having even just a little knowledge of what some of the biggest issues look like can help you to quickly diagnose a potential problem and get it fixed before the situation can get any worse. Here’s a quick look at some of the most common winter plumbing issues so you aren’t caught off guard this season: Frozen Pipes  By far the most common problem that can affect your plumbing, frozen pipes are something you’ve likely already been warned about. Frozen pipes are the result of water trapped in the pipes freezing solid. As the water freezes and expands, it gets bigger and heavier and can potentially lead to the pipes bursting. This issue can affect both the pipes inside and outside of your Lynnwood, WA, home. Indoor Pipes Plumbing lines that run along the exterior walls of your home or pipes in uninsulated areas are the most vulnerable. These pipes are exposed to colder temperatures and have an increased likelihood of freezing when the temperatures fall too low. To prevent the pipes bursting, it’s helpful to: Turn On The Water As soon as the temperatures drop to or below freezing, turn on your faucets to allow water to keep moving through the pipes. This steady dripping helps to reduce the pressure in the lines. You don’t need to turn them all of the way on, just enough to where there’s a noticeable drip. Install Insulation There are a lot of different ways to insulate pipes, from foam sleeves to heating tape, all of which are easy to install. Focus on your home’s most vulnerable pipes, the ones that are along exterior walls, as these are the ones closest to the cold outside. Open The Cabinets Open up the cabinet doors under your sinks to exposed closed-off pipes. This exposure allows warm air from the home to circulate through the cabinets and helps prevent frozen lines or pipes bursting. Outdoor Pipes It’s no surprise that the plumbing outside your home is particularly susceptible to freezing temperatures. You can reduce the risk of damage with a few simple preparations prior to the cold arriving. Get the Pipes Blown Out When sprinkler season ends, it’s a good time to have your pipes blown out. This process eliminates any water sitting in the lines, so it can’t freeze up in the winter. Once the pipes are cleared, shut off the valve that serves the outdoor spigot to prevent any more water or moisture from accumulating in the pipes. Disconnect Hoses  Disconnect any hoses that are attached to your outdoor plumbing fixtures and bring them inside for the winter. Insulate Insulate outdoor pipes the same way you insulate indoor pipes protect the lines that carry water to the outdoor spigots. Signs of Burst Pipes If a pipe bursts in your home from the freezing temperatures, it can create some pretty costly damage, so the sooner you can catch it, the better. If the pipes are frozen, you’ll tell right away from the lack of running water. You’ll need to call a licensed plumber to help thaw them out before they burst. If you aren’t able to catch the pipes before they burst, there are some key signs to let you know that it’s happened, such as: Damp drywall Rings on ceilings Bubbling paint on the walls or ceiling Musty smells Banging, clanking, or whistling sounds If you notice any of these issues around your home, call a plumbing professional immediately. Clogged Drains With the winter months comes the holiday season, and with the holidays, more guests potentially stay in or visit your home. This increased traffic leads to one of the most common winter plumbing issues: clogged drains. The increased number of people in your Lynnwood, WA, home puts additional strain on the plumbing. With increased food waste going down the drains from holiday meals, more hair accumulating in the shower drains, and more toilet flushes, it can all add up to the potential for more drain clogs. A clogged drain in your home, though frustrating, is an easy fix for a skilled plumber. If you’re thinking about saving money by using a liquid drain cleaner, don’t. These cleaners contain caustic chemicals that can make the problem worse. If your drain is backed up, call in a professional to make sure it’s cleared correctly the first time. The only thing worse than a clogged drain is a damaged one, so don’t take any chances. If multiple drains in your home are clogged, it’s not a coincidence. It’s likely a clog in your plumbing’s mainline that requires a professional plumber to fix. If you’re expecting an influx of family and friends in your home during the holidays, you can also get ahead of the game by making sure your drains are ready for the additional strain. Professional drain cleaning is the best way to make sure your plumbing is clear prior to the increased workload. Drain cleaning should be done annually to keep your pipes clear of grease build-up and debris, but if it’s been a while, or you feel the lines are due for a cleaning, call the pros to help avoid any unexpected plumbing problems this holiday season. Water Heater Issues An increase in people staying in the home isn’t just hard on the pipes. It places an increased demand on your water heater as well. You may begin to notice that showers aren’t lasting as long as they used to or that it’s taking a lot longer for the water to heat up. Problems with water heaters during the winter months aren’t

5 Main Types Of Plumbing Pipes Used In Homes

When you think about your home’s plumbing system, it might seem pretty straightforward. One set of pipes brings clean water to the taps, and another set of pipes carries wastewater away.   But have you ever stopped to think about what all those pipes are made of and what their specific functions are within your home’s plumbing system? If one of your pipes bursts or is in need of repair, do you know what questions to ask your plumbers? This article is designed to inform you about all five types of plumbing pipes that reside in your home. By learning more about how the different pipe types function, you will be better equipped to make decisions regarding your home plumbing in the future. This understanding can help you work closely with your local plumbing professional. Pros and Cons: Metal vs. Plastic Plumbing Pipes You know that pipes are the backbone of your home’s plumbing system, but when it comes time to repair or replace a busted-out pipe, should you go with a metal or plastic piping option? Well, there are a few things to keep in mind for each type of material. Metal is durable but rigid, and plastic is flexible but might wear out faster. Additionally, there are different options for specific types of pipe plumbing, even within the broader choice of metal or plastic. To find out which choice will benefit you and your home the most, you might want to ask professional plumbers to give you some advice. In the meantime, here are some things to keep in mind when it comes to the pros and cons of metal and plastic pipes: Pros of Metal Pipes Metal has some great advantages when it comes to plumbing. It’s the most common kind of piping in older homes. If you’re a resident of Everett, Lake Stevens, or Marysville, you are probably familiar with older homes, which means that it is likely you’ve seen some of these types of pipes up close and in person. Metal pipes come in three kinds of metal: Copper Galvanized Steel Cast Iron While there are technically three types of metal piping, the one most plumbers today are focused on is copper. Copper is king in the world of plumbing. It is used for your water supply and is completely safe to use within the home. There are no health risks associated with copper, and the material can withstand immense heat and physical pressure, making it an ideal carrier of your hot, highly-pressurized shower water. Copper is also monetarily valuable, even when the piping itself is old or damaged. You can always sell copper scraps for money. If you need a plumbing repair on a water supply pipe and want to use metal piping, copper is a great choice! Cons of Metal Pipes The only viable option for metal piping is copper. Due to advancements in plumbing technology, we now know that any other metal is inferior, and only copper can handle the highly abrasive effects of a home plumbing system. Cast iron can rust through completely, and most plumbers use a hard plastic option (like ABS) to take its place. Furthermore, galvanized steel is no longer an option at all due to its highly erodible nature. This pipe material is only used for natural gas now. Pros of Plastic Pipes Plastic is the new kid in town with a lot of great qualities. Due to its malleable nature, this kind of piping is great for the twisting, corner-heavy walls of modern homes. It comes in a few different options, including: PVC Piping Flexi Piping PEX Piping ABS Piping Each of these plastic pipes can be more or less difficult to work with, depending on the type, but all of them are relatively easy for experienced plumbers to use. You can be certain that your local plumbing professional can install and repair plastic piping with ease. Cons of Plastic Pipes Their flexible nature can also be a downfall. Some plastic pipes are not very strong under intense heat, pressure, or even sunlight. If circumstances in your home’s plumbing system become at all strained, you could be looking at a burst pipe. It is also important to note that not all pipes are legally allowed due to different building codes. Depending on your place of residence, some areas may not permit one or more of these types of plastic pipes to be installed in your plumbing system. It may come as a surprise to find out how many types of pipes are not used or allowed everywhere, but that’s what makes having a variety of pipe options so great. While metal and plastic may seem very different at first glance, the one thing they have in common is the very careful considerations plumbers and zoning laws have when deciding on the best type of pipe to use in a home. If you would like to know about what pipes are allowed in your area, ask a professional about the zoning laws for pipes in Everett, Lake Stevens, and Marysville. What Do the Five Different Types of Pipes Do? Each particular piece of piping has a purpose. Some pipes are meant to bring in the water supply, and others are meant for drainage or venting. There is even a type of pipe that is meant to connect externally with your kitchen and bathroom sinks. Depending on where you live, there are some areas that do not zone for certain types of piping, which makes having a variety of choices even more important. If you are wondering about which pipe would work best in what role for your home in or near Everett, Lake Stevens, or Marysville, consider the following options: Water Supply Pipes Copper is strong and resistant to damage. It will not warp under heat or buckle under pressure. This metal is a tried and true option that has the capacity to last. However, it is a very expensive option when it comes to pricing.

Do You Know The Water Quality In Your Home

Hard water is a problem in many households, and most people live with it without realizing how it is affecting them. In truth, hard water contains chemicals that can adversely affect your health and your Lynnwood, WA, home’s plumbing. It can also damage appliances like coffee makers and dishwashers. Fortunately, you don’t have to live with poor water quality. When you hire plumbers to address the problem, they will test your water and offer solutions for removing those chemicals from your tap water. You’ll immediately notice the difference in the taste and cleansing power of the filtered water in your home.   What Factors Affect Tap Water? It’s not uncommon to find toxic chemicals in water since we draw our water from deep within the earth. As it flows through several layers of soil and sediment, fresh water collects chemicals from the earth. If the water isn’t properly filtered, this contaminated water, or hard water, will come through your Lynnwood, WA, faucets. In addition to an unhealthy buildup of calcium, other compounds found in hard water include magnesium, iron, and zinc. Depending on your location, other dissolved metals may be present in your water, such as barium, aluminum, and copper. While there are always some traces of these metals in tap water, higher concentrations will lead to harder water. You can tell that your home has a water quality problem by looking for a white film on your shower walls and shower curtain. Look at your faucets for a light green sediment as well. If you still feel soapy after rinsing off in the shower, this is another indication that you have hard water. These signs should prompt you to call plumbers in your area to test your home’s water for heavy metals.   What Are the Health Effects of Poor Water Quality? When you have hard water flowing through your plumbing system, it will affect the quality of your personal hygiene practices. For example, water with a high concentration of chemicals might cause your skin to become dry and leathery. If you experience itchiness, red blotches, and skin that appears aged, the problem may be with your Lynnwood, WA, home’s water quality. Your hair may also be adversely affected by washing it in hard water. If your hair seems drier than usual, don’t immediately blame your shampoo. Dry hair with tough tangles may be the result of the chemicals in hard water removing the natural oils in your hair. Once plumbers have added newer water filter services to your home’s plumbing, you’ll have a more pleasant experience when washing your hair. While hard water may not taste as good as filtered water, there isn’t any research to suggest that it’s harmful to your health. Even so, you can enjoy cleaner water that has a fresh taste when you ask plumbers to install point-of-use filtration devices. In addition to whole house filtration systems, a filter on each faucet will help remove more chemical compounds and sediment from your water.   How Does Poor Water Affect Your Lynnwood, WA, Home? Even though the health effects of hard water are minimal, your plumbing system will be negatively impacted. In general, the chemicals found in hard water will cause corrosion in your home’s plumbing and appliances. A higher concentration of chemicals in your water will mean your plumbing will be affected more quickly. Once you learn more about the specific ways hard water will affect your home, you will realize that getting better water filtration will save you money in the future.   Hard Water Scale Inhibits Water Flow There are certain minerals in hard water (chalk, calcium, limestone, etc.) that are common in the tap water of most Lynnwood, WA, homes. As these minerals build up and collect in the pipes, drains, and faucets of your home, you’ll see a light lime-colored sediment. This sediment will thicken over time, making it difficult for water to pass through screens and filters. Check for sediment if you experience decreased water pressure in your shower or kitchen faucets. The screen on a sink faucet or the jets in the showerhead may be clogged with sediment. If this is the case, you should have a plumber treat your home’s water before replacing or cleaning the fixtures. This will ensure the same thing won’t happen to your new faucet or showerhead.   Mineral Accumulation Leads to Clogged Pipes Mineral deposits can get thick enough to block the small holes in a screen, but they won’t grow large enough to block an entire plumbing pipe. Water can still pass through these areas in your pipes even when minerals have accumulated along the walls of your pipes. Unfortunately, those chemical deposits will still be significant enough to interact with soap as it flows through your pipes. This leads to the buildup of soap scum, which will be thick enough to trap hair, food particles, and anything else that’s flushed through your plumbing system. When enough waste is trapped by the soap scum and minerals in your pipes, a blockage will form. If you frequently experience clogged pipes, call a plumber to help you resolve your hard water problems. Cleaner water will flush the soap and debris through your pipes more effectively.   Hard Water Affects Your Curb Appeal You might also notice that mineral deposits can be seen in your sprinklers and garden hoses. If your sprinkler system sprays water onto your home, you’ll likely see a lime-colored film on your home’s siding, bricks, or stucco. Even though removing that film is simple, it won’t help if you don’t resolve your hard water problem first. Using hard water in your yard can also have unwanted effects on your lawn, plants, and shrubbery. The high mineral content can cause your grass and plant life to dry up in much the same way that it dries out your skin and hair. This is why your grass may not be as green as it should be or why you find it hard to

What Is Causing A Backup In My Shower

A backed-up shower is a surefire sign that there’s a clog or other plumbing issue in the home. If the shower or tub doesn’t drain as expected after use, it’s a good idea to figure out what is happening and what is needed to make sure it’s fixed properly. Read below to learn more about what could be causing a backup in the shower and what repairs may be necessary. Signs of a Clogged Drain A clogged drain is a common cause of a backed-up shower drain. When there is a clog, it can be noticed because there is trouble with the water draining in the shower after use. Other signs can include the toilet water bubbling or the smell of sewage coming from the drains. Clogs can also cause water to back up in other parts of the home. If water appears in the shower or tub while using the washing machine or toilet, it can be a sign that there’s a clogged pipe further in the system. Any of these signs should lead to calling in a professional for fast help. Though they might not be an emergency right now, the issue will only get worse over time. Plumbing Issues That Can Occur Shower drain issues are more than just a troublesome problem and may be a sign that there’s something wrong with the home’s plumbing. When there is a clog somewhere in the pipes, there are a few different plumbing issues that can occur. These issues will get worse if they are not handled with professional plumbing services promptly. Clogged Drains Clogged drains may mean water isn’t able to go down or may just go down slowly, leading to water backing up in the shower drain. When there is a clog, it’s important to unclog the drain to get the water flowing again. Stagnant water left in the shower or sink can become hazardous quickly if it’s not handled properly. Water Appearing in Shower If water appears in the shower when the washing machine or toilet is used, it’s a sign that there’s a drain clog that needs to be fixed. Wastewater can be hazardous, so if it appears in the shower when the shower isn’t being used, fast repairs are needed to fix the issue, keep everyone safe, and potentially prevent sewer line repairs if the issue gets worse. Damaged Pipes If the clogged drain is not repaired promptly, it can cause further damage. Pressure on one side of the clog can start to build up, which can lead to a burst pipe. When this happens, it’s going to require far more extensive repairs, and the cost of repair will increase. Solutions to Unclog Your Drains Depending on the severity of the clog, there are options available to help clear it and get the drain working again. Drain Cleaning For minor clogs or those close to the surface, a drain cleaning might be needed. This involves removing the clog or breaking it down so everything can go through the pipes, clearing the way for water. Hydro Jet Cleaning – If the drain is clogged anywhere in the pipes, hydro jet cleaning can remove it. This involves using a specialized tool to push pressurized water through the pipes to break down and remove the clog. Pipe Repair If the pipe is damaged because of the clog or damage further down in the pipes is causing the clog, pipe repair may be needed. The type of damaged pipe repair used will depend on the severity of the damage. Cured-In-Place Pipe Relining – In some cases, it may be possible to reline the pipe to fix it without having to dig up and replace the pipes. A cured-in-place pipe relining is a type of sewer line repair can prevent further damage to the property. Is water backing up into your shower? It’s likely happening because there’s a clog somewhere in the plumbing system. Steve’s Plumbing is available to help.  Call us at (425) 451-2444 or contact us today online for fast help.

5 Surprising Clog Culprits For Garbage Disposals

Among all of the kitchen appliances, the humble garbage disposal is the one most likely to be taken for granted. It is rarely noticed unless it is malfunctioning — in which case it quickly makes its presence known by producing the distinctive grating or humming noise that signals there’s a back-up somewhere down the line.   The mysterious, whirling blades that line the drain at the bottom of your sink remove food waste from your home and are an essential part of kitchen sanitation. A clogged or broken disposal can bring unpleasant odors, even worse noises, and ultimately, lots of food waste backing up your sink. Certain types of clogs are easily fixed by a homeowner, but others may require more professional intervention. A garbage disposal that has been tampered with by uneducated hands after a clog has occurred will likely have greater damage, making it likely that you’ll need a replacement. Although typical garbage disposal can last well over a decade with proper maintenance, a surprise garbage disposal repair can bring unexpected expenses. To help prevent that, here are 5 unexpected clog culprits that you should watch out for the next time you’re by the sink. Jewelry Some people don’t believe in taking their wedding rings off for any reason — that is until a slip-up sends this expensive asset down the drain. Whether a wedding gift or a family heirloom, the loss of jewelry almost guarantees an appointment for a garbage disposal repair. You can prevent jewelry loss and subsequent disposal damage by removing all hand jewelry before you approach any drain, especially the one in your kitchen sink. Chances are that your wedding ring is one of your most prized accessories. While plumbers are professional garbage disposal fixers, it is unlikely that they will be able to save a shredded band. Meat Many people prepare meat with small bones (such as fish or chicken) in and around their sink. While they may appear tiny and seem to go down the drain with ease, the hard calcium-based shards can easily compromise and destroy your blades. Use a plastic bag to dispose of meat and bone waste in the trash. Raw meat in a clogged drain is a secondary risk on its own, due to the presence of pathogens in uncooked meat. As many as 500,000 species of bacteria thrive in the average American sink, and the number can easily double when a clog is present. If it’s not handled swiftly, the presence of exposure and sickness grows exponentially. You can avert this issue by watching for small bones and ensuring that no meat waste or fat goes down the drain. Sink pipes do not plumb as effectively when their walls are lined with grease, fat, or other sludge. This can lead to — you guessed it — major back-ups and a major headache for your home. Toys Occasionally a toy or small trinket might get lodged down the pipes. In a panic, parents may forget how to repair garbage disposal and instead flip the switch controlling it, making the situation even worse. Although most children’s toys are made to be too large to fit in a drainpipe, many of them are just the perfect size to slip down the drain and into the garbage disposal. This hazard is not just limited to toys — kids have been known to do some completely zany, unprecedented experiments in the kitchen! Perhaps the easiest solution to this issue is to make sure that your kids know not to put things in the garbage disposal! Utensils Those decorative ice cream spoons that Grandma got you from the Netherlands are neat and fun until one goes down the drain, resulting in a noise that sounds like the Tin Man in a trash compactor each time you flip the switch. Small utensils that are produced for decorative or ornamental purposes are often used for food and thrown in the sink, where they fall to the bottom of the dish pile. Invest in a drain screen or try to wash smaller utensils by hand to avoid this hazard. Food Waste Build-Up No matter how carefully it is used, regular use of your garbage disposal will result in layers of food waste buildup inside your disposal and drain lines, which can result in drain clogs and/or unpleasant odors. The best way to prevent this from happening is with weekly application of bio one, an environmentally friendly liquid bacteria that will consume solids before they ever become a problem. If you are already experiencing odors from your garbage disposal, a single application of bio one is after all that is needed to completely eliminate them. Just two fluid ounces of bio one contain millions of live bacteria, which double in number every thirty minutes, consuming the organic matter clinging to the inside of your garbage disposal and drain lines.  The EPA-certified formula is safe for people, pets, and pipes, posing none of the dangers common to other common drain cleaning products.  Bio-One is available from all of our plumbers, and can be delivered right to your door! Who Should I Call to Repair a Garbage Disposal? If you live in the Seattle metro and any of these unfortunate situations happens in your home, know you are not alone. Don’t bother to get your hands dirty or try to fish the clog out. Instead, call Steve’s Plumbing and relax, knowing that your kitchen will be safe and sanitary in a jiffy. At Steve’s Plumbing, we provide professional, knowledgeable service in a timely fashion, along with a top-of-the-line selection of garbage disposals (in case yours ever decides to quit). Set up an appointment today!

5 Ways to Protect Your Sewer Line This Spring

Washington is a great place to live. The beautiful, scenic views and excellent weather are just a few of the things that draw residents here. However, the heavy spring rainfall can result in some serious headaches and repair bills if you do not prepare in advance. Sewage overflow is a common, but manageable problem faced by Washington residents. Below, we’ll take a look at five ways that you can protect your home’s sewer line this spring. Install Water Alarms Water alarms are a simple, but effective way to protect your home from flooding and sewage back-ups. A water alarm is an affordable wireless device that is connected to your home’s Wi-Fi. These devices typically have a battery life of three years or more, which means that they are extremely low maintenance, as well. A water alarm can be placed in areas of your home that are susceptible to flooding. This includes your basement and even your bathrooms. The bathroom closest to your sewer line is the most prone to sewer back-ups and is usually a great location for a water alarm. If water levels rise, the water alarm will become damp. It will then sound an audible alert or issue a text alert to your phone, allowing you to take prompt action and protect your home. Install a Sump Pump If your home has a basement, you may need a sump pump. Sump pumps are installed inside of a water tank or pit within your basement. As rainfall accumulates along the perimeter of your home, it is filtered into this pit through a piping network. The pump activates when the water rises and shuttles the water away from your home through a drain pipe. Excessive rainfall and flooding can place added strain on your sewer line. It can also flood your basement. A sump pump prevents both of these common problems. Use a Backwater Valve An automatic backwater valve may be necessary if your home is connected to a municipal sewer system. When your city experiences heavy spring rains, the sewer system can become overwhelmed and flood. If the water level rises past your home’s drain, you will experience flooding. The backwater valve works by only allowing the sewer water to flow one way. Rising water causes the valve to seal your sewer line. As the water level returns to normal, pressure changes will automatically reopen the valve. Clear Your Sewer Lines Just like any other aspect of your home, your sewer lines require regular maintenance to function properly. Over time, various items can clog your lines and restrict the flow of wastewater. Common sources of clogs include: Hair Grease Roots Foreign objects While any of these items can cause serious drainage problems, grease is one of the most difficult types of clogs to overcome. The best way to protect your sewer lines from back-ups is to schedule professional sewer line cleaning. Generally, you should have your lines cleaned every 18 months or so. Waiting longer than recommended can allow grease and other harmful debris to accumulate and clog your pipes. Severe clogs and roots can even cause your pipes to crack or burst, resulting in costly repairs. Preventive maintenance is the most cost-effective way to keep your sewer line working at its best. Clean Your Pipes All of your home’s drain pipes are funneled into your mainline or sewer line. These smaller pipes should also be cleaned regularly because they can become clogged. Contact Steve’s Plumbing If you need the services of a qualified plumber, Steve’s Plumbing is the team for the job! With over four decades of plumbing experience, Steve and his staff can handle any plumbing problem, big or small. We offer affordable pricing and prompt, friendly service. We can ensure that your home’s sewer line is functioning at its best before the heavy springtime rainfalls. Contact us today for a free quote or to schedule your service. We look forward to serving you!

7 Ways To Get Your Sump Pump Ready For Spring

Your home’s sump pump is vital to protecting your home from flooding, especially if you have a basement. While it does not get much use during Washington’s frigid winter months, it will be working overtime in the spring. Even if you have never experienced an issue with your pump, you should always be proactive to ensure that it is in good working order. Failing to do so can result in some messy (and costly) water damage. Read on for our top seven tips to prepare your sump pump for spring! Check the Power Supply Check that the power supply is intact. Carefully inspect the cord for signs of damage, including fraying or exposed wires. A sump pump with damaged wiring is not safe to use. You should also make sure that the cord is clear of the float so that it does not become tangled. Zip ties are a cheap and easy way to secure the power cord in a safe location. Clear Out Any Dirt and Debris Inclement weather has a knack for flushing all kinds of odd objects and debris into your drain lines. This includes rocks, gravel, and even the occasional toy. If your pump sucks in a foreign object, it could easily cause a malfunction or ruin your pump entirely. Remove as much of the debris as possible with your hand. You should always unplug the pump while performing this task. You can also check the small hole between the check valve and pump. You can clear debris from this hole with a small screwdriver or toothpick, but be careful not to damage the pipe. Inspect the Inlet Screen Your pump’s inlet screen is designed to prevent debris from entering the pump. While most sump pumps are powerful enough to continue moving water with a clogged screen, it makes the motor work harder. Over time, this added stress can cause the motor to burn out. Function-Test the Float Switch The float switch is a vital component of your sump pump. It is designed to detect the water level within your sump tank. As the water rises, the switch will float higher and will activate the pump. If the float switch is not working, your pump will not turn on, leaving you with a flooded basement. Testing the switch is extremely simple. All you need to do is pour several gallons of water into your tank. The float should rise and activate the pump. If it does not turn on, then it is time to contact a professional plumber so that they can replace your switch. Test the Check Valve Your pump’s check valve sits along the discharge line, usually a few feet above the top of the sump pit. The check valve contains an internal flap, which should easily swing back and forth. If your valve does not swing properly, rinse it with vinegar and water. A 50/50 mix should work fine. The vinegar will break up any mineral deposits and allow the flap to move appropriately. Flush the Drain Pipes Your valves and pump are not the only areas that can get clogged with debris. Sometimes, these foreign objects can make it into your drain pipes. If your drain pipes are blocked, your sump pump will have to work extra hard to get rid of excess water. You should check the flow of water from your drain pipe. If it appears that the water flow is slow, you likely have a clog. Usually, pouring hot water into the pipe can clear any obstructions. If not, then it may be time to call a professional plumber. Check for Oil Leaks Like any motor, your sump pump requires an adequate amount of oil to lubricate its moving parts. Without this lubrication, the heat caused by the friction will damage and ultimately ruin your sump pump. The oil is kept within the system using a variety of seals and gaskets. While you cannot replace these yourself, you can keep an eye out for signs of damage. After you have completed cleaning your sump pump and can see the unit, check for signs of oil leaks. If you find any, then your pump may need immediate service to prevent damage. Steve’s Plumbing If you find anything concerning when performing these simple maintenance tasks, don’t ignore it. Doing so can cost you thousands of dollars in damages to your home. Instead, contact Steve’s Plumbing and let us help! Our dedicated professionals can provide prompt and friendly service to get your sump pump ready for spring.

Trenchless Sewer Repair In Lynnwood Wa

Your home’s sewer system performs a vital function by removing waste and sewage from the house. That way, you don’t have to deal with it. However, as time passes, even the most robust pipes can deteriorate, and suddenly you have an enormous problem on your hands. Imagine you’ve just discovered that there’s a structural problem with your drainage pipes, and you’re absolutely dreading having to tear up your property to fix it. Typically, other services would have to dig into your lawn, tear up flooring, or remove walls or foundational elements to access the damaged pipes and fix them properly. However, with Steve’s Plumbing, you don’t need to worry about all of that. Instead, what you should be considering are trenchless sewer repair services. With trenchless pipe repair, there’s no need to dig or destroy whatsoever. Instead, our plumbers will assess the situation, perform a thorough drain cleaning, and begin the process. Our technician will install an epoxy-saturated tube directly into the existing pipes to restore your drainage. This tube serves as a liner that creates a new pipe inside the existing one when fully cured. Do I Need a Trenchless Sewer Repair? If you’re in the Lynnwood, WA, area and you find yourself in need of sewer line repair ASAP, the answer is yes. Trenchless sewer repair is not only the most modern solution to this difficult problem; it’s the fastest and least expensive one, as well. In many cases, a trenchless sewer repair is a cost-effective solution to restoring your drainage pipes. Whether your pipes are cracked or chock full of holes, a trenchless sewer line repair will most likely be the best answer when considering the cost of property damage required by other options. So long as your pipes aren’t collapsed, back pitched, or improperly graded, a trenchless repair is a viable option for you. With a trenchless sewer repair, you can expect the project to be completed faster with less cost, without the need of damaging your property or landscape. Typically trenchless sewer repair is just as effective as more traditional methods and with a life expectancy of 50 to 100 years. Signs That Your Sewer Line May Be Damaged Over time, pipes crack, deteriorate, and otherwise sustain damage as time erodes at your pipes. When this happens, you can experience several unpleasant symptoms that negatively affect your home’s ability to remove waste and sewage. With sewer lines buried underground, it’s nearly impossible to tell whether your drain lines are damaged and requiring repair. However, several clear warning signs will show you when to get your pipes inspected for damage. If you suspect pipe damage, check to see if you’re experiencing any of the following: Unusual and unpleasant smells from your yard or drains Patches of your yard are suddenly a lush green Gurgling or bubbling sounds from toilets Sewage backs up into your drains Your drains are draining slowly If you find any of the above symptoms, call us as soon as possible. We will take care of your problem. Plumbers Near Me Steve’s Plumbing has been in the business since 1995, bringing over 25 years of expert service to Lynnwood, WA. Steve Egner, who started his plumbing career in 1978, heads the company. Steve’s Plumbing puts one thing first, above all else: Customer satisfaction. Our work isn’t over until you are 100% happy with our work. Our plumbers are fully trained and certified, undergoing continual training to keep up with industry standards and breakthroughs in technology. In this way, you can expect our workmanship to be top-notch and always in keeping with modern innovation. If you’re already one of our customers or still on the fence, consider our Diamond Club benefits. By signing up for a Diamond Club membership, you will enjoy a 15% discount on repairs, a three-year warranty on repairs, lifetime warranty eligibility for every fixture we provide and install, as well as free service calls whenever work is performed. That’s not all. As a Diamond Club member, you can expect thorough, annual inspections of all your plumbing fixtures with free adjustments thrown in. If you have a crawl space, we’ll check any plumbing there, as well. We’ll test water pressure and water temperature and check the general condition of all fixtures. With our annual inspections, you’ll be far ahead of any severe issues that could otherwise seriously affect your home. All it takes is just $14.95 a month for incredible savings, thorough inspections, and quality work (guaranteed).

Is Your Guest Bathroom Ready For The Holidays

Lynnwood, WA, is a beautiful area. That’s because the city works hard to preserve, plant, and protect the area’s greenery—and the effect is apparent. Every corner of Lynnwood is filled with lush parks and verdant gardens. So it is no surprise when friends and family choose your home as their holiday destination. If you have guests on the way this year, however, you may wonder whether your plumbing is up to the task. For this very reason, Steve’s Plumbing has created a checklist for guest bathrooms. Check it out and give us a call if you discover you need professional help. Step One: Check Your Toilet Your toilet is arguably the most important fixture in your guest bathroom. If it’s not working, you might as well send everyone home. That’s why we’ve made the toilet your first stop on our checklist. Between the bowl, the tank, and the flush lever, your toilet seems simple enough. But things can get complicated fast. Here is a list of common problems you might run into: Clogs Leaks Low water fill Rusting Rocking Some of these problems (like clogging) can be fixed at home. Others require professional toilet repair. If the water in your bowl is low, you may especially be in need of our help. The root of the problem could be anything from a faulty vent to a cracked bowl, a damaged valve, or a damaged fill tube. With guests on their way, you don’t have time for guesswork. A professional repair team can resolve the problem quickly. Step Two: Check Your Faucets and Fixtures Next stop, faucets and fixtures! Leaky faucets are more than annoying. Sometimes, the drip, drip, drip of a faucet signals that a bigger problem lies under the surface. That’s why it is always a good idea to hire a professional for faucet repair. If you have stepped into your guest bathroom for the first time in a while and find that the faucet is leaking, call right away. These types of leaks result in higher utility bills and can compromise the other fixtures in your guest bathroom. While you are checking out your faucets, give the room’s other fixtures a once-over. If you notice any wear or tear, it may be time for a replacement. Fortunately, modern plumbing fixtures are designed to last well over a decade. They also offer these desirable benefits: Improved function Long-lasting design Durable materials Lifetime warranties With promises like these, you know the investment is worth its initial cost. Plus, your guests will be thrilled with the shiny new effect these upgrades have on your bathroom! Step Three: Clear Your Drains No one wants to step into the shower and find three inches of standing water at the bottom of the tub. If your drains are sluggish, it may be time for drain cleaning services. Keep an eye out for these warning signs that your drains need attention: Slowly draining water Unexplained foul odor Gurgling sounds Constant clogging and overflowing Are you tired of having to pull out the liquid drain cleaner once a week? Then it’s time to call a professional plumber. Hydro-jetting clears a clogged drain entirely and works for any type of clog. Plus, it’s environmentally friendly and will save you the use of harsh chemical products that can damage your pipes. Step Four: Prepare Your Water Heater If your toilet is the bathroom’s most important fixture, your water heater is a very close second. As you anticipate an influx of people to your home, make sure your water heater can handle the new additions. Start by checking for any of these conditions: Rust-colored water Foul-smelling water Insufficient hot water Strange noises coming from water heater Problems keeping pilot light lit If you’ve noticed any of these problems, it may be time for water heater repair or replacement. And if your water heater is running great but is more than 10 years old, it doesn’t hurt to have a professional do a maintenance check. Call Us If You Find Any Problems — We Can Help! Now that you have performed a quick run-through of your guest bathroom, you have all of the information you need to schedule an appointment. And when you need a plumber, you should always turn to Steve’s Plumbing. We have years of experience with everything from shower repair to water heater replacement. Plus, we work with the industry’s best products and supplies. And because we know that the holidays are already an expensive time, we offer 0% financing for 12 months. Give us a call if you need a plumber near me!

Your No Shave November Beard

Grooming goes down the drain during November—from teens to adults, beards are grown and grooming norms are disregarded. You hear younger generations tossing around the phrase, “no-shave November”, a trend you are unfamiliar with, and wonder what is driving people to toss out their razors for a month and let it all grow out. So we, at Steve’s Plumbing, LLC, are here to tell you what “no-shave November” is all about! No-shave November Explained Why participate in No-shave November? No-shave November is a non-profit organization dedicated to raising money for cancer research and funding cancer services for cancer patients in need. How do they raise money? Through internet fundraising pages. You can register to create your own fundraising page here! Or participate by donating here! With St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital, Fight Colorectal Cancer, and Prevent Cancer Foundation all working together with No-Shave November to find a cure to cancer, a month of unruly hair is definitely something we can get behind. No-Shave November & Your Drains Do Not Put Hair Products Down Your Drain With more hair comes more hair products! From taming, de-frizzing solutions to shaping, beard waxes, these solutions cannot go down your drains. Hair products have a ton of chemicals in them that can corrode your piping. When gels or mousses are poured or rinsed down your drains, they cling to your pipes, coating them. This then creates an ideal environment for clogs. Keep hair products out of your drain this No-shave November! For additional clog protection and prevention, install BioSmart in your bathroom sink, shower, or bath. BioSmart is an eco-friendly way to shield your pipes from gunk build-up. With a bacterial coating, BioSmart removes solids and sticky materials from your drain—inhibiting clogs from forming. If you already have pooling water or are experiencing slow drainage, contact Steve’s Plumbing for professional drain cleaning and BioSmart installation. Do Not Trim Your Beard Over Your Sink Hair is your drain’s number one enemy. As trimming and shaping are allowed during No-Shave November (we still have to be presentable in professional settings), it is imperative that you trim your hair over a trash can, not your sink. Although it may not look like a large amount of hair—trimmings can accumulate over time. And, when that big shave occurs on December 1st, you can have a big blockage on your hands. Your December 1st Shaving Instructions When you shave one month’s worth of hair—there is a lot of hair. It is essential that this monumental shaving does not occur in the shower or over your bathroom sink. Shaving in the shower, although a popular choice, can lead to blockages that result in pooling water or flooding. If your shower turns into a bath… you have a severe clog in your drain and you will need to schedule hydro jetting to remove it. Some may swear by using drain covers or drain catchers; however, this is not a full-proof method, and oftentimes, when you go to clean the cover, all of the hair you caught falls down your drain anyways. Shave over a trash can to ensure no hair makes it down your drain. When it’s time to shave your No-Shave November hair, remember these tips from Steve’s Plumbing, LLC. If you do end up clogging your drain, contact us at (425) 979-7376 for professional drain cleaning and clog prevention.